Saturday, May 28, 2011

New to Couponing Part #3

Last week we touched on the coupon policies for Walgreens and Harris Teeter. It was great to have last week conveniently line up with triple coupons!

This week we are going to go over places you can get more coupons and Kroger.

Next week will be our final week, so if there are any questions be sure to post them below so that I can be sure all questions are addressed in my final writeup.

1) WHERE TO FIND MORE COUPONS. First, the Sunday paper. If you are anything like me you will forget to get the paper and that will be the week with the coupons you want. Huge bummer. I recommend saving yourself the time and trouble and go ahead and subscribe to the paper. If you cannot yet afford to subscribe, then go get your first few papers at the Dollar Tree (it's only $1 there vs $2 other places). It ends up costing as much as it does to have it delivered.

Clipping services. There are TONS of these online. Basically you are paying for the service, not the coupon. 

eBay. You can bid on coupons here, which can result in some really great deals!

Your Neighbors. Most people will only clip 4 or 5 coupons out of an insert and get rid of it. Ask your neighbors to give you their unused coupons.

Coffee shops. Most have a place to put already read papers into and lots of these people are only interested in the news, not the if you are already there, check.

Blinkies. These are the machines that spit out coupons you find in the aisles at grocery stores. Take 2 when you see these and move on. If it is something you know you will use then get 2 more next time you go

2) KROGER. The most important thing to know about Kroger is that they will not usually accept more then 2 or 3 printables for the same item and that they will not accept coupons that are printed for more then $2. They double coupons up to and including .50 everyday. THEY HAVE NO LIMIT TO HOW MANY COUPONS YOU CAN USE PER TRANSACTION.

Their "offical" policy can be found here. Unfortunately, this is very iffy.  Each cashier has the right to be picky about it. So, find a good store that is good about taking your coupons and keep going to it. Personally, I don't even feel like the offical policy is worth reading. Generally it says that the cashier will not take the coupons if they believe they are not legimate coupons.

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